Sunday, March 01, 2009

Update from the "Sampler City"

Did you know?

Springfield Missouri is known as the "Sampler City" because of the numerous variety of restaurants here? Just trying to keep up with things local.

Whitney's performance at the Nixa Chamber of Commerce is in a league of her own. Comparable to Tiger Woods. She has great relationships with her boss and co-workers. She keeps us in the know for all the happenings here locally.

In fact Whit was recently featured in the Nixa Xpress newspaper. Above is the article and picture (which Whit is not so fond of).

Work has been going very well for me also. I very much enjoy my associates and work. We are finding success. My love for sales and sales management continues to blossom like a Casping Coneflower (found in this part of the country).

We are marching onward and upward even during this times of economic struggle.

In other news, the consumption of most of our time has been our new home. Projects, projects, projects. In the words of the great and wise Stuart Draper, "You are a real D.I.Y.-er Ev (Do It Yourself-er)." Thank you Stu, for that is exactly what we strive for in this family. Already in a few short weeks we have put hours and hours into this house. I think it is starting to look very good. And once I finish painting my bball court and installing my hoop downstairs it will already be miles ahead of where it was Feb. 13, which was our move in day.

6 things that have been high on my list lately:
1. Lowe's. They officially have made the leap over the big Orange giant. And you can easily get 10% off or other coupons from their website every time you go in the store.
2. Blackberry. The Curve is the way to go. Great rate, reliable, good speed, and I get a discount with my work.
3. Black & Decker. Originally when I got my saw and drill a few years ago I thought it was a cheapo that wouldn't last long. She has been a dream, both of them. I have cut PVC pipe, pressure treated lumber, vinyl siding, tin, and a few other things with my saw. Sure I need a new blade now, but the thing has some guts.
4. Paint. It dramatically changes a room. One of these days when the boss allows I will post before and after pic's.
5. My Adidas Boots. My Mother was kind enough to buy me a pair of Adidas boots from Costco back in 2005. The things have been all over the country in almost every imaginable condition, and are still preforming at a very high level. I love them, thank you mom that was one of my best gifts ever.
6. Craigslist. Buying used furniture and refinishing it is a fraction of the cost and gives a greater sense of ownership, well worth the saturday you sacrifice for it.

Hope each of you have a great march. Early happy birthday to Jocy Pants and good luck preparing for BRACKETOLOGY!!! Yes, remember MARCH MADNESS is on the way.


Adam Wilson said...

Ev, I love reading your posts. You are a gentleman and a scholar.

Adrienne said...

Impressive press and analogies. I can't wait to see the finished projects!

Ryan said...

"continues to blossom like a Casping Coneflower" - Ev, what a literary genius you are.