Happy 1/4 of a century, Ev!
I am SO bummed we aren't together for your birthday (although I know you're in good hands with your mom and dad). I thought I would do a 25 things list for ya...
so here are
25 WORDS that come to mind when I think about you on your 25th birthday! I love you, party hard and
FRIEND: You are not only my best friend, but such a good friend to others. Just keep reading this list and you will see why. I love that more than anything, you are my best friend!
HOTT: So I wrote these as they came to me, and love that hott was number 2. I was going to re-order them, but thought it was funny. Really, let's be honest- you are hott... especially in a suit or your "cool basketball shorts and sweatshirt" that I love so much.
KIND: You are so nice to others. That is something I have learned and admire most about you. Hopefully you will rub off on me so I can be nicer!
GOAL-ORIENTED: I love that you have high goals and work hard to achieve them. Whether it is your wonderfully drawn out New Years resolutions, or your "3M" post-it note hanging in the office, I am glad you are continully growing.
EXAMPLE: You teach by example and have been a great example to me over the past 3 years.
OBEDIENT: No, not just to me, but obedient in your actions. You know what you're supposed to do, and do it.
LOYAL: I will use the example of your continuous love for the Beaves and Blazers. Even when times got tough, you stood by them!
FUN: We sure have had some fun times together... especially our sneaky nights at BYU-I... duck taping parking lots, tp-ing our friends apartments, pumkins, haha (and that was when we were married)!
SPIRITUAL: You have such a strong testimony of the gospel and continue to nourish it daily.
SPONTANEOUS: I like that we just kind of do things as we please... it's great that at time point in our life we can do that. Our random trip to Minnesota is a great example of this. Watch out, Bjorks- we may just surprise you again!
HARD WORKER: You have always had such a strong work ethic. I'm grateful that your parents taught you very well in this area. From working 3 jobs when we were engaged, to selling pest control for 3 summers, to just recently putting in our retaining wall, to going to Portland for 2 weeks... I am glad to know you enjoy work and do it well!
PEACEMAKER: You really are a calming influence to me when I get upset. You have a way of being such a wonderful peacemaker. I think having three sisters helped you out with this!
TEACHABLE: You don't pretend to know everything, but are willing to learn from others/study it out yourself.
DEPENDABLE: You truly follow the motto: Be where you're supposed to be, when you're supposed to be there.
ATHLETIC: I think you're an all-star and love being your #1 fan! Good thing you have redone our basement the way you have so I can start having basketball practice and get to your level!
DETAILED: The fact that you have recorded every dime we have spent in our marriage, and have it color-coordinated on our budget is evident how detailed you are. I never hesitate to ask you to hang a picture... I know it will be perfectly centered every time!
HAPPY: You choose to not dwell on the negative. I love your positive outlook you have for life!
TRUSTWORTHY: You are a genuinely good-hearted person who does what's right. We need more people like that in our world!
19. COMPASSIONATE: As we all know, I am not that sensitive, nor do I cry much. But, I do seem to cry every time you leave on a trip. I think it is so sweet that you are so compassionate when I do. I think you told me that as a kid (hope I don't embarrass you) you would cry when you saw Les crying... So tender!
SELF-STARTER: You don't need to be told what to do. If you see something that needs to be done- you will do it yourself.
AMBITIOUS: As mentioned earlier, you have high hopes for yourself, our family and for life in general. You aren't going to settle for anything less.
FAMILY-MAN: You have such a strong love for family. I always wanted to marry someone who treated his mom and sisters well, and from what I have seen- you have done just that. Now, I wasn't around when you probably picked on them a bunch as a youngin'.
EATER: Random, I know. But boy can you eat!
CLEAN: Thank goodness I did not marry a slob! I can't imagine what it would be like to have to clean up after my husband! Thanks, dear!
LOVE: I have fallen more and more in love with you over the years and love what our life has become together. Thank you for loving me and for being all the things listed above. You are a dream come true! Now, I would LOVE it if you would come back here!!!! See ya soon!
*If you have a word that describes Ev that isn't on a list... add it in the comments!