Since I missed Jaycee's big 3 month mark, I am making up for it with a 14 week review of her life. I am absolutely crazy about this little girl! Adorable! Here are 14 little Jaycee-isms.

1. She discovered her tongue yesterday, and has been sticking it out ever since. One day I'll teach her that this is rude. Until then, I love it.
2. She is a chubby little thing. I especially love the dimples on her knuckles.

3. Even though Ev and I won't be trying out for American Idol anytime soon, I believe Jaycee has a singing talent. We often find ourselves just listening to her let it all out!
4. She loves getting her diaper changed and has from the beginning. She props her legs up and everything.
5. After numerous tries of putting her whole fist in her mouth failed, she put her problem solving skills to the test and now sees it's a whole lot easier to settle with the thumb only. I'm still hoping she will eventually take a pacifier instead...

6. She is a diva in the making. From the ruffle bum pants to all her stylish dresses, she is quite fashionable. I'm just glad she doesn't try to rip off her headbands yet.
7. Every once in a while I catch a glimpse that makes me think she is so meant to be the oldest sibling in the fam. Sometimes she'll just stare at other babies with the 'what in the world are you doing' attitude.
8. Since the weather is finally getting nicer we have been going on walks which relaxes her so much that she just falls asleep right away. I'll have to remember this for our next kid during those first sleepless nights. I can see it now walking the streets at 2 am...

9. Her latest favorite toy is her play cell phone. What is society coming to that a 3 month olds favorite toy is a phone?!
10. Jaycee is a daddy's girl through and through. Ev was working on her 'shot' the other night. Still has to work on the follow through though. Don't worry Ev, you have time.
11. Unlike her mom, she is very happy in the morning. There is nothing better than waking up to such a beautiful, happy sight!

12. I don't think it will be too much longer for her to take her pre-crawling to the next step. She is getting closer... which makes me nervous since my day will be a lot crazier then!
13. She is a great traveler. On the flight from Portland to Missouri she slept the entire time except to get her diaper changed and fed during the Salt Lake layover. This is great since we will be making that flight a lot here in a bit. As most of those readers out there know, we are moving to Portland once our house sells. It will be so hard to leave, but we are up for another adventure (and glad that Ev will be home every night!).
14. It's so fun seeing her personality start to come out. Although she is growing up so fast, I love seeing the little changes in her daily. It's been such a blessing having her in our family!