Since I have been out of the loop in the blogging world, I need to send out a very Happy Fathers Day to Ev. Jaycee and Ev are quite the buddies together. They have their own secrets and get into trouble when mama's not around. The relationship of a father and daughter is a special one, and it is neat to see theirs continue to grow. Ev is an awesome dad and still gets Jaycee if she wakes up in the night and changes multiple diapers a day. He takes such great care of 'his girls' even if we're cranky at times! Thanks, dad for also being such a wonderful dad to me! From him going to all my cheerleading activities, to sending out his daily texts... I think I'm pretty lucky!

Ev gives Jaycee her bath at night while I do my nightly tidy. Here she is when she had carrots for the first time. We gave up trying to keep her clean and just let her have fun. Gotta pick your battles with parenting, right? And yes, I have had too much fun with photo editing tonight.