We had so much fun celebrating little Jaycee's first birthday on New Years Eve! I know everyone says how quickly it goes by, and I will have to agree. I love watching her grow and learn, but there are some days I just want time to stop and for her to stay little forever. She is such a blessing to us. I can't imagine life without her. She is such a social little thing, too. She has so many people who love and adore her. She will go to just about anyone {other than Santa, of course}, and spends the entire time at Church waving to people.
She loves her babies and is so gentle and loving to them. She gives them kisses, hugs and rocks them back and forth. She loves dogs! Thankfully both grandparents have a dog, so we are off the hook for now. Most mornings right when we get her, she says "dog. dog. dog." She also has a unique way of saying Miley {my parents dog}. Another thing she is consistently saying now is "Jesus" either when we ask who it is in a picture and when we ask where is Jesus and she will look at his picture. Such a spiritual child, I know. Today I helped out in Nursery and took her. Prior to today she usually would just eat the crayons, but I was a proud little mama when she sat at the table with the 'big' kids, watched what they were doing, then colored her picture! I kid you not, I almost cried at how big she is getting! Ah...
Anyway, back to her party. Those in attendance were my fam, the Peters family {who are basically our adopted family} and the Tompkins family, who have a little girl Jaycee's age.
The invite.

We first did a little time capsule activity where everyone wrote a little something from memories of 2010, to advice as an 18 year old {when she will open it}.
We watched a movie my brother, Derek, put together. It's on my Facebook, and I highly recommend you watch it. Tear jerker. Notice Jaycee waving to herself on the video.
Then we opened gifts. She got so many great things and is enjoying all of them! She even got squeaky zebra shoes she wore at church today. So fun. Also, thanks to Ev's aunt and uncle for her party dress which now fits her perfectly- instead of a Ralph Lauren logo it has her own initials. Adorable!
Then it was cake time! She first gave the cake a kiss {because who doesn't do that?}, then ate each letter one by one. She figured it out though and by the end had cake flying everywhere.

Here's some pics of the set up. Ev made some yummy white waffles for our waffle bar.

We did a little candy bar for everyone to take home. {fyi: rainbow twizzlers = gross!}