I am so ready for summer to come so I can no longer be in hibernation. It was good weather for a few days this week, then today it was brrrr cold again. The walk in between when she wakes up from her afternoon nap and dinner time is crucial! So please come back sun!

I just love this lil girl to pieces. She has been talking a lot, including her new word "yes". It is adorable. We talk all day and have so much fun together. I really feel like she understands so much of what I say.
We always clean up her toys and put them back in her toy box, but the other day it made me feel like I may be creating a clean freak when we had only been playing with her toys for a few minutes and she started putting them all away. I guess it's better than being a slob...
She is getting SO big! I can't believe it. Oh, and she loves to stick her tongue out all the time.

We have been in 'project basement' mode lately. All the hard stuff was pretty much done when we bought the house, so we just get to do the fun stuff. Ev borrowed a paint sprayer when he did the primer, and came upstairs looking like this. Our carpet gets installed next week, then we have doors and molding to complete. It will be so nice to have all that room down there to enjoy!
7:30-8:30: Jaycee and mama wake up {if Ev is home, they do their thing while I get some more beauty sleep}.
Eat a yummy in the tummy breakfast.
Do our morning chores, clean, make bed, dishes. Read {including my favorite Cinderella}, play with babies, draw, tickle Elmo, ride her pony, pull everything out of the bathroom drawers. Since I am easily distracted, I have a no tv rule until Jaycee is asleep for her nap. It helps me get all organized/feel good about the start of the day.
10:00-12:00: Morning nap/I get dressed for the day.
Eat lunch. PB & J is her favorite. She breaks the bread apart and licks all the jam and peanut butter off first, then will eat the 'plain' bread.

We try to go somewhere in this time. I go crazy if I don't get out of the house. Grocery store, shopping, lunch with the girls, go to our little park if it's nice...
2:30/3:00-4:30: Afternoon nap/my rest time. This nap time is getting shorter, and she spends more time talking so I fear she may be doing one nap soon. I don't know that I'm ready for that.
Go on a walk. Get all the dogs in the whole neighborhood to bark or chase/play with Jaycee. She LOVES the dogs here and goes crazy when she sees them!
6:00: Dinner
7:00: Bath time. Last night she pooped in the tub. Oh how I need a raise. {Pictured with aunt KK}
7:30-8:30: Bedtime.
Umm... I think we should be afraid of the following photos. A sign of things to come?

*Blogging question- any tips on a better layout for photos? It seems like I can move them where I want when I'm editing the post, then when it's on the blog it is completely different. Help!