In other news:
Whit has taken over as the competitive one in this family. She refuses to loose and will do anything for the win. I dare say, she is reaching the sports die hard level I am at.
Weekly we go bowling as a part of our after school job with the elementary school. Every week I tempt the kids with a treat if they can beat the cowboy himself (me of course) and this week was a real blow out for me. I bowled a personal best 203. Which included six strikes on my last 7 turns.
By the way now I am a real cowboy, I beat 40 guys in a clay pigoen shot out, and as the champion I won a new 12 gage shot gun. (Nothing fancy, but still that is way sweet). Just to make my victory sound a little sweeter, lets just say I was sporting a nike sweat shirt, while my competition was in Carhart jackets, wranglers, cowboy boots, and of course they all rolled up in their mud covered trucks. City boy no more!