Above: The bold move by Bernard (97 rush yards) to talk coach Riley into going for the 2 point conversion with 17 seconds left down by one point, thats how, we hard core beaver believers roll. The trophy for defeating Missouri in the Brut Sun Bowl and Matt Moore with the player of the game trophy (threw for 4 touchdowns and 356 yards passing). Sammy Staughter (8 completions averaging 11 yards/catch, and a crucial 40 yard punt return in the 4th quarter) breaking another tackle after another catch.
A rough day for the Big 12 and the Missouri Tigers, defeated by the red hot Beavers who won 8 of their last 9 games. In conclusion a great season for the Beavs. They beat five teams who were at one point this season ranked in the top 25; Arizona, USC, Oregon, Hawaii, and Missouri. Whereas poor Missouri hasn't beaten a team ranked in the top 25 since 2003.
Great Year for the Beavs, World Series Champions and Brut Sun Bowl Champions!