Whitney and I celebrating our one year anniversary at Santa Monica Beach.

Posing for a nice waterfall shot in the midst of Ev's mini golf domination.

Winter Family, Jake, Dave, Whit and I mini-golfing to really get a feel for the new in-laws.

Los Angeles temple, one word-MASSIVE. Awesome temple, I was blown away by the size.

Whit's B-day May 17th. I really hooked her up: roses, nike tennis shirt, baseball pants for next season's intramurals, and a new ping pong paddle. One of the best you can buy!
Recap: We have been our here in Cali now for about 6 weeks. (One transfer down, and about 2 more to go). It has been fun. We have a great group of guys. We have been put to work for the ward. We love the pool. Whit is going to Arizona this week to visit her G-pa and some fam. there. Then in two weeks we have Mere's wedding in which I am greatly looking forward to a few actual vacation days.