Monday, August 13, 2007

Bloggin'... so far, so good

I must say I am pretty pleased with myself for being somewhat consistent with this whole blog thing. I am actually starting to enjoy it.

Ev and I have 3 weeks left here in California and let's just say we are SO ready to get back to school. It has been a good summer though- a learning experience in many ways, for sure.

So we traded cars with this guy straight up at the wedding. He got a great deal...


Marci said...

Great pics, posts, everything! The wedding looked gorgeous... (how was the food???)... and it was fun to see pics from my parents house on here! :)

Triz said...

Your consistency is impressive Whit. I'm a little streaky myself. You can always check out my football blog if you'd like -

I hope you've been practicing your ping pong game, cuz I have been. Let's just say I'm beating Lesley on a fairly regular basis.

bajork12 said...

How about a blog about the new vehicle? I've yet to see photographic evidence of this purchase. Word on the street is that it's a little strange to see Evan driving a car that's "without a lot of character" (putting it nicely).

Evan said...

The reason why there is yet to be photos of this new purchase, is because Ev is scared of what Steve Hales might say, or do for that matter, when he finds out Ev bought a car... seriously, that is the reason. Sad, I know.