This past weekend we were fortunate enough to host the legendary bloggers themselves, yes even Trevor and Lesley. While they stayed with us we learned a plethora of things, but we will highlight ten here for your blogging enjoyment.
10. Trevor is a New Testament Artist. Many of you may known how gifted Lesley is with the brush/pencil/pen. But how many of you knew that Trevor can draw the apostle Paul with such precision. It doesn't end there either, he capped it off with an elogant description as well, while Les played the piano vigorously.
9. Girls can out-athlete boys. Whit and Les combined to beat down Trevor and I in bowling. We will leave it at that, touchy subject. Expect intense bowling over Christmas break!
8. Candle left in the bathroom was not by accident. I married a very candle liking wife. But I noticed not only did she leave some candles in the bathroom this weekend, but also conveniently next to them were matches. Coincidence? I think not.
7. Bloggin obsession reaches new high at least for me. After posting the ever famous "fake laughing" contest on T & L's blog, we must have checked the blog every 30 minutes for the rest of the weekend. If you have not yet, due your part, comment and vote.
6. Poor waitressing. While eating a Mexican restaurant our sweet waitress must have come to our table ten times asking if everything was okay, before we even had anything to eat. That does not even count the times she came after the food was finally served. Call us stingie, but in this house, you have to earn your tip.
5. Breakfast cake. If you allow Trevor to make something in your home, you are giving him the green light to eat the entire thing. Breakfast cake is a big love for all in our family. I now can say that for Trevor, as well. sorry Trev, I had too.
4. Trevor's fake laugh cannot, not be laughed at. Whether it was at Rexburg Live, the bowling alley, or priesthood meeting, you cannot, not laugh at Trevor's fake laugh. Especially when others, strangers, begin to laugh at him, for it. Included with that also is the nods of agreement he gives from the congregation to the speaker.
3. Steve and Steve. I don't now how blessed our readers are out there, but to have the opportunity to speak to both Steve's in one weekend is reason enough to make it the best weekend ever. To hear Steve H. go off on the Mountain, BYU football, and CF in general was priceless. Then to talk to Steve B. about skiing over the break, and cruising up in his truck, again how do you put a price tag on that.
2. Family First. No matter what kind of an obligation you have; school, work, church, you put family first. The Winn's were a great example of that to our family. The way they blew off there Sunday evening appointment to stay a couple hours longer with us and play some cursnipits (spelling? its a card game) was a great testimony to me.
1. Finally, victory after 23 years. Yes you all may now how my sister Lesley has always been faster than myself. I will have you all know, I beat her in a straight up sprint, once and for all this weekend, twice actually. Both races had to have been at least 15-20 yards long. The tables have now turned.