Friday, March 26, 2010

Jaycee Growing

Jaycee has been busy growing and developing her personality of late. Here are a few photos over the past few weeks.

Here mother found baby, after dad was instructed to watch her during a Blazer game. The sling has come in very handy I must say.

Oh yes, I remember this one. I discovered out luggage makes for a pretty cool piece of transportation for Jaycee. I pulled her around in this for a while.

Here is mom and Jaycee with Sis Allred from the Branson Time Out for Women.

Pictured here is Jaycee telling Dad her picks for March Madness. She hasn't done too hot considering she had Temple winning it all.

Here is Jaycee at her happiest time, the morning. She loves waking up, getting a clean diaper, eating and of course singing!

Here is Jaycee doing her best to please both mother and father with her wardrobe.

These last four are some quality father/daughter time.

She is getting so big and growing so fast. Let us know if you want to babysit, we are always looking for ways to share our little bundle of joy with others.



Whitney said...

Good job, dear. For everyone, I usually have her all dolled up in bows and such, but Ev says it is March and she needs to wear her Nikes all month long. Thank goodness April is almost here! ...speaking of which, let's go get her Easter dress right now to make up for it all!

Whitney said...

Also, I promise we aren't bad parents as shown in the swing on the door pic. Mommy was freaking out right next to her the whole time!!!

Dawn said...

where did you get your sling?
i need a new one and i love love LOVE yours

Tina Braegger said...

ok I just can not tell you enough, Jaycee is just so adorable! I LOVE her shoes! That made me laugh, what a stylin little girl! Where did you find them??
And the sling picture..just priceless..hahaha!! The joys of being parents :)

Steve and Emily Gatewood said...

She is beautiful! Isn't being a mommy just great!

Lesley said...

i'll babysit! :)

Lesley said...

bring her on over and see my new house.