What is his name? Evan Richard Carlile
How long have you been together? Married for 2 years, 2 months, 1 day and about 1 hour.
How long did you date? Met and married in 8 months
How old is he? 24
Who eats more? Anyone who knows Ev, already knows the answer!
Who said I love you first? Ev... what a charmer
Who is taller? Thank goodness he is by a lot-- I like high heels too much for him to be short!
Who can sing better? Ev does this great singing voice in church. I especially love when he does his 'belt it out' voice during all those battle songs.
Who is smarter? We have different 'smart' categories. I like the school/book work, Ev is smarter when it comes to pretty much all else.
Who does the laundry? Ev is really good about loading/switching it- I can do the folding.
Who pays the bills? Ev now that we do it all pretty much online.
Who sleeps on the right side? We actually just switched sides so I would be by the alarm clock so now I do.
Who mows the lawn? When we have one, I know that Ev will love to mow it!
Who cooks dinner? Usually me since he works until way late, but I sure love it when he cooks!
Who drives? Ev- he is a good driver... thankfully my driving/direction skills have been forced to improve since I am in 'the big city'
Who is more stubborn? Me.
Who kissed who first? Ev... once again, such a charmer
Who proposed? Does the girl ever?? He did a great job with this (thanks to his sisters help). I love the book he made for me- I still read and add to it every now and then.
Who has more friends? I like to think we are both pretty popular...
Who is more sensitive? Actually, we're not that sensitive. Sure I have my moments, but not too bad.
Who has more siblings? Me... Ryan, Derek, Alissa and Kailey
Who wears the pants? ha ha... we know all the wife has to do is give 'the look'
Monday, June 30, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Meet my new friends/neighbors
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Living life - Special Hair edition
For about a year now I have had this brother in law, who always speaks of "LIVIN' LIFE!" So I thought it was time I contributed a small piece of some of the LIVIN' of LIFE that I have down in the past, and may do in the future.
Today's topic...Hair.
First let me throw a special thank you out to some of my past barbers/stylists/hair colorist: Heidi Wiest, Mom, myself of course, and my most consistent during the teenage years and occasionally now, Les. Thank you, that is one reason I search for referrals for Trev.
Unfortunately I could not find all necessary pictures. But I have found some. Sorry some are small.
The part. Special thanks to my mom. This actually continues to surfice even today. Crave the wave from grandpa Carlile.
The Flat top. Special Thanks to Jerome Kersey for this one.
Probably my most common cut from ages 10-16ish. Couldn't go wrong with this, easy maintenance.

Its not bleach. I used to get FOF-ed when people told me it was bleach, it was Lesley's left over hair color stuff.

Looks like Big I and Aaron liked the buzz pic from earlier years. This is a pattern we see throughout the family, continuing hair styles from cousin to cousin.

Not sure what I called this one, but I was a big fan. Maybe colored-mini fro.

I am the one in the middle with the rainbow hair and chicken legs.
The "I'm cool, I have highlighted tips" phase that every guy went through.

The shag, blown into an afro. "Evan Carlile standing 6'2" and 6'" with the hair..." -Pat Williams

The shag and the wings I loved so much, especially with hats.

The big shag. Age 18 was just a prime hair year for me.

The most famous, BOLSEYE. Which really has more meaning now that Target is in the family.
Today's topic...Hair.
First let me throw a special thank you out to some of my past barbers/stylists/hair colorist: Heidi Wiest, Mom, myself of course, and my most consistent during the teenage years and occasionally now, Les. Thank you, that is one reason I search for referrals for Trev.
Unfortunately I could not find all necessary pictures. But I have found some. Sorry some are small.
The part. Special thanks to my mom. This actually continues to surfice even today. Crave the wave from grandpa Carlile.
The Flat top. Special Thanks to Jerome Kersey for this one.
Probably my most common cut from ages 10-16ish. Couldn't go wrong with this, easy maintenance.

Its not bleach. I used to get FOF-ed when people told me it was bleach, it was Lesley's left over hair color stuff.

Looks like Big I and Aaron liked the buzz pic from earlier years. This is a pattern we see throughout the family, continuing hair styles from cousin to cousin.

Not sure what I called this one, but I was a big fan. Maybe colored-mini fro.

I am the one in the middle with the rainbow hair and chicken legs.
The "I'm cool, I have highlighted tips" phase that every guy went through.

The shag, blown into an afro. "Evan Carlile standing 6'2" and 6'" with the hair..." -Pat Williams

The shag and the wings I loved so much, especially with hats.

The big shag. Age 18 was just a prime hair year for me.

The most famous, BOLSEYE. Which really has more meaning now that Target is in the family.
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