Monday, June 30, 2008

I've Been Tagged! (Sorry took so long, Tina!)

What is his name? Evan Richard Carlile
How long have you been together? Married for 2 years, 2 months, 1 day and about 1 hour.
How long did you date? Met and married in 8 months
How old is he? 24
Who eats more? Anyone who knows Ev, already knows the answer!
Who said I love you first? Ev... what a charmer
Who is taller? Thank goodness he is by a lot-- I like high heels too much for him to be short!
Who can sing better? Ev does this great singing voice in church. I especially love when he does his 'belt it out' voice during all those battle songs.
Who is smarter? We have different 'smart' categories. I like the school/book work, Ev is smarter when it comes to pretty much all else.
Who does the laundry? Ev is really good about loading/switching it- I can do the folding.
Who pays the bills? Ev now that we do it all pretty much online.
Who sleeps on the right side? We actually just switched sides so I would be by the alarm clock so now I do.
Who mows the lawn? When we have one, I know that Ev will love to mow it!
Who cooks dinner? Usually me since he works until way late, but I sure love it when he cooks!
Who drives? Ev- he is a good driver... thankfully my driving/direction skills have been forced to improve since I am in 'the big city'
Who is more stubborn? Me.
Who kissed who first? Ev... once again, such a charmer
Who proposed? Does the girl ever?? He did a great job with this (thanks to his sisters help). I love the book he made for me- I still read and add to it every now and then.
Who has more friends? I like to think we are both pretty popular...
Who is more sensitive? Actually, we're not that sensitive. Sure I have my moments, but not too bad.
Who has more siblings? Me... Ryan, Derek, Alissa and Kailey
Who wears the pants? ha ha... we know all the wife has to do is give 'the look'


Tina Braegger said...

haha so cute!! I still remember when Ev proposed to you and we were making so much noise in the dorms and the RA's came and yelled at us! So funny! And your book..I still remember it! He really did do a good job! Hope you guys are doing well!

Tim, Niccole, and Neva said...

You guys are so cute! Where are you guys by the way and what have you been up to? Are you both graduated?

Tim, Niccole, and Neva said...

We are still in the Burg right now, but we will aslo be doing sales in California over the 6 week break. We both have two semesters left and will be graduating in April! FINALLY! Where are you guys gonna be living in the fall?

Tina Braegger said...

I graduate in winter of 09 and Tyrell in the summer! So we have about a year of rexburg left! yay! hehe how are you guys? Don't you graduate soon? We need to have a girls me and em or something sometime, I miss not being neighbors anymore..even though it has been a while!

Tim, Niccole, and Neva said...

he sells pest control out of Riverside California-kinda near the L.A. area. We did it last summer too. He does it through this guy who started up his own pest control business.

By the way, Peterson Point looks almost identical to Hyde Park.

Evan said...

Oh Whit. Very good. I agree with most of your answers, but I think you should start being the "THE DRIVER."

McKenzie said...

Oh my goodness, you are a genius!!
That would be PIMP if we had Legends of the Hidden Temple Shirts for our team shirts... you just need to convince Ev.... but I have a feeling you're pretty good at that :)