Our Church does a big Nativity Celebration every year where hundreds of nativity sets are on display, a live nativity is shown outside (including animals) and many of the Branson performers come and sing from their Christmas shows. My favorite was the group SIX. I was the rep from our ward this year, so it was nice to help out on the inside scene a bit. It was a little strange walking into Church hearing the sheep and donkeys make their animal sounds... not something you hear every Sunday.

I think Ev's favorite part of the Holiday season is eating the yummy sugar cookies we decorate. Check out the guilt on his face from all the cookies he snuck past me! Pam, I am sure you remember that face all too well, too! I decorated one for our little girl... next year Ev will have a partner in crime to sneak more past mommy.

I have tried other sugar cookie receipes that have not turned out that great, but I think we found a winner this year. Yummy in the tummy!
1 1/2 cups butter, softened 2 cups white sugar 4 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract | 5 cups all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt |
Other than our Christmas lights hung outside, I have done very little decorating. Since it is the first year we are in our own home for Christmas I just can't get myself to buy decorations knowing they will be like 70% off the day after. So, this is pretty much all I have done this year. Hopefully I can get some goods for next year. As much as I want our girl to arrive now, I would feel guilty not having a tree/decor up for her first Christmas. So stay in until at least the day after Christmas!

Lastly, I usually love making/sending out Christmas cards, but I skipped out this year since I figured we would send out baby announcements shortly after. I know, I know, now you don't have to run to your mailbox daily in anticipation for our card. Sorry! We do wish everyone a Merry Christmas though!