There are a few requirements in order to be noticed in this post.
1. Under age 35 and over age 16. All my older & younger family is without a doubt cool, but that is for another post.
2. You must be someone I don’t see frequently.
3. You must have in some way or shape have the “Evan idolizes you” vibe.
4. You cannot be Whit, Adge, Les, or Mere. Because let’s be frank they would be my top four.
5. I have to have learned something from you, it most cases many things.
Without further or do my recent “HIGHLIGHT” list. (In no particular order).
Steve “Captain Bjork” Bjorkman. Seriously who does not love Steve? I felt it a must to start off with Steve because he my first real brother. Though years separate us, so much brings us together. Mostly due to the fact that is at heart an Idahoan Cowboy like myself. I remember Steve’s first Christmas in the family he got me “stink bombs” and though everyone else thought that was a horrible idea, as a 16 year old I thought it was the coolest gift ever!

Isaac & Jake Wilson. I combined these two because they are similar to me. To sum them up I would say, strong young men, who can shoot from deep, have humble confidence, and are men enough to stand up against my Beaver/Blazer die-hardness. Now I struggle to keep up with them, after picking on them for years. Two guys are single handedly bring back the term, studs and will make great missionaries and husbands. Ps- Jake dropped 21 points in a game recently and Isaac is always tearing up the Northwest dropping dimes and tri-fecta’s.
Michael, Jonathan, & David Wilson. A trio that is breathtaking. Three of the nicest guys you will ever meet. Regrettably our time has been limited, but recent events have brought some of us together. David as my newest career adviser, Michael as someone who still thinks I can drain from deep, and Jonathan someone who gives me respect in the blogging world. (Sorry about the pic, Amanda is subbing for David)

Ryan, & Derek (& Richard, one exception to 35 rule) Chapman. Not only was marrying Whit the best thing I have ever done, but it was a great way to again increase my “brother” count that was so minimal most of my life. Ryan is a true baller after my own heart, Derek reminds me of me in many ways as a 17 year old, and Richard, finally someone who I can debate for hours on why the PAC-10 is better than the BIG-12. Truly a bunch that is fun to be around, have big hearts, and can be a force on the bball court/fball field.

Brandon Gary Winter. One of the newer family members and adding to the Cali connection. A great brother to have around, who else do you know that wears an ankle brace while playing ping pong, thats how intense it gets! Frankly a great guy to have on your bball team, he just brings the hustle and defense I bring very rarely. A hard worker, a big smile, and brings that whole extreme sports, X-games, flips and crazy stuff to a family that significantly struggles in that category.

Marci “Bostonroms” formerly known as Moorhead. I am not sure what it is really but Marci has always just made it very comfortable to be around her. We share many things, her love for Boston sports is not one of them, but photography and humor are. Just a cousin that always makes you smile.

Trevor “Triz/Webmaster” Winn. Trevor and I go back longer than most, living only a few blocks apart most of our lives. It is just great to be around Trev, someone who just understands me. At times words are not even needed to communicate. Whether its Ger-glish, football, Bill Walton, Connie Chung (HGTV), google chat, staging techniques, investing, or manhood we just seem to get each other very well.

Steve “Die-hard BYU east coast fan” Hales. The two things that make the Steve the coolest are of course Mary and Nikolai. The whole Russian connection thing has always fascinated me. Of course Steve’s second to none guidance, recommendations, and BCS venting. Truly a family out east that many would like out west.

Lindsey & Josh Stark. Though I do not know Lindsey or Josh that well, I know Lindsey and Les have a strong love and that initially drew me to Lindsey. Number one, she’s athletic, who can’t respect that, number two, they voted for my fake laugh (of which I had no prior practice nor experience), and lastly Josh is a carpenter, a man after my own heart.

Brig & Adam Wilson. Coincidence that we were all born just a few months apart? I think not. A diverse trio that you do not find a lot. From George & Ida's 50th, when I sported the bulls-eye, the 1994 world cup game, Russia 7 vs. Cameroon 1, and of course welcomed by both in the M.T.C. and sent on my way before either left for overseas. Between all three of us I think we speak over ten languages, and I speak one.
I hope you enjoyed, can’t wait to read your comments! Remember the reason for the season!