1. When buying diapers, don't judge the size of the diaper by the baby in the photo on the packaging.
2. When wiping a girl, the proper technique is front to back.

3. The placement of the epidural needle is critical to a successful epidural. (Special thanks to our Doc who nailed it, even though he was an OU fan).
4. There is a difference between a cradle and a crib.
5. If you are driving and you have to pull over so Whit can feed the baby, pull over at a Sonic during happy hour.
6. If your wife doesn't pump or you don't use formula, that means more sleep for you (husband).

7. When your girls (wife and baby) don't get enough sleep, they can get cranky.
8. It is okay to breast feed in public, with a hooter hider, if baby cannot wait until later.
9. Baby clothes require separate laundry detergent.

10. When your wife leaves you with the baby for the first time, and you perform test "let the baby scream until she is worn out" don't chat about it on gmail or your wife may find out what you have been up to.
11. Do not plan next child to be born two weeks prior to you being gone for a week in Phoenix for work. Especially when southwest cancels all flights the day you are planning on leaving.
12. Do not waste your time trying to convince your wife the "let the baby scream to sleep technique" can be effective.

13. Taking good, quality photo's of a new born can be very difficult.
14. Do not print photos at Walgreens, way too expensive.
15. Do not be offended when your wife regularly tells you how large your head is. (Its just because she is used to holding the babies small head).

16. Watch out for these sayings from your wife after you become a father: "Man, you are dressed like a DAD today." or "All the sudden you snore very loud." or "Ev, dress socks with basketball shorts? really???"
17. When going to bathe baby for the first time, you should probably tell mom before you go ahead and do it. I guess the babies first bath is a bigger deal than I realized.
18. When it doubt, burp the baby.

19. When watching basketball or football and holding the baby, look down at her every once in a while or mom will think you are more interested in sports than baby.
20. The connection between baby and parents is amazing and like nothing else.
I love being a Dad (and husband)!
*All photo's taken at one week of age.