As many of you know the Blazers now have won 8 straight games. The amazing part is most of those wins have come without two of our best players; LaMarcus Aldridge, and the unproven Man Child Greg Oden. With the likes of last years Rookie of the Year; Brandon Roy carrying the team, and big play from Travis Outlaw, Channing Fry, Webster, Przybilla, and Jack, the Blazers are looking playoff bound.
As of just a few weeks ago the Blazer Mania was over 7 games back from Utah, now a 1/2 game separates them. Included in the recent win streak was 2 wins over Jerry Sloan's boys. Needless to say, I have been reborn and I am so happy to see Nate McMillan have success here in P-town.
Though Rip City is back, the team and player I wish to blog about is a few more miles south down I-5 (of the Rose Garden) the ever popular, Wilsonville Wildcats. Starting for the second straight season at point, Junior, "I-Wil" (I just came up with that name, and I am pretty sure no one calls him that, but, I think it is cool).
As cousins and family, we often talk of athletics, and more often participate in them at family gathering. In fact athletics are usually why we gather, and then cover it with an excuse, sometimes called a wedding. During these thrilling events, we ask how the team is doing, but do we ever get to see our fine High School athletes in action, usually not.
That is why I am doing my small part, with limited technology to bring this extended family closer together. Though the footage does Isaac no justice, I just wanted to give you at least a small taste.
Isaac is such a baller, he will sneak up on you, all the sudden, BAM he has 20 points. He sees the court very well, literally runs the team - keeps them on track, has an incredible shot - like only one other lefty cousin I have seen, passes very well and plays D unlike most of the rest of the family. I would like to see him slash to the rim a little more and get to the line, because he is so efficient from that charity strike. All in all, probably the best player Wilsonville has ever seen.
Background on the game: It was an "Endowment" game, which basically means an extra game, that notoriously has limited attendance and costs more money. (By the way, Uncle Stan, thanks for covering me last night!) Should you decide to attend one of "I-Wil's" games you may be lucky enough to have Stan cover your admission, get a free piece of pizza, and enjoy the 5th quarter with ice cream and the leading scorer of the game.
I also wanted to note a few things in this post:
1. I am currently a MALE NURSE for my broken back mother, beckoning at her every call, so it was lucky I found a little time to put this together. Your prayers, support, and food is most appreciated.
2. It is great to be back in Oregon.
3. Another Plug for Blazer Mania.
4. And just put down my excitement for church ball over the holiday break. I am pumped.
Which brings me to my last point, THE COUSIN CHALLENGE:
Being proud to be from the Beaver state, and speaking in behalf of all Oregonians, I challenge the state to the south to a dual.
Details: We have a finely tuned athletic machine we can put together up here. With a few recent additions, thanks to marriage (Trevor and BW). We just need a wedding (HINT HINT to those bacholers out there, you know who you are). As thoughtful Oregonians we will also give you any married-in help you desire (i.e.- Steve Hales, the deep threat from downtown, who's game is like unto J.T.-BYU). We anxiously await, and if necessary we can have a few warm up games if you feel you need to wait until Ben and Nate get home from serving the Lord.
Lastly, I say, Merry Christmas, and BRING IT!!!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Remembering Aunt Sharon
On Thursday night my moms oldest sister, Sharon, passed away. The last memory I have with Aunt Sharon is at my cousin Dawnielle's wedding (see pictures below). It was great to have such a supportive aunt through the years. No one was expecting this to happen so soon, but through this it has re-emphasized the importance of families. How grateful I am for my family- both immediate and extended!

Friday, November 30, 2007
My Personal Shout Out Session
Since we have been in a blogging slump, similar to my intramural basketball team, I felt it was time for something profound. Some of you know of my deep love for various family members, but I would like to take this post to SHOUT OUT. But first I want all to know, you are ALL, all-stars in my book. The objective of this post is not to make some feel left out, but rather highlight a few for their accomplishments. Not everyone can win the Heisman Trophy. Now I know today people have very short attention spans, I mean we have TIVO and cannot spare to watch a second of commercials. Due to that fact I can only list a very few things that I like about the highlighted individual.
There are a few requirements in order to be noticed in this post.
1. Under age 35 and over age 16. All my older & younger family is without a doubt cool, but that is for another post.
2. You must be someone I don’t see frequently.
3. You must have in some way or shape have the “Evan idolizes you” vibe.
4. You cannot be Whit, Adge, Les, or Mere. Because let’s be frank they would be my top four.
5. I have to have learned something from you, it most cases many things.
Without further or do my recent “HIGHLIGHT” list. (In no particular order).
Steve “Captain Bjork” Bjorkman. Seriously who does not love Steve? I felt it a must to start off with Steve because he my first real brother. Though years separate us, so much brings us together. Mostly due to the fact that is at heart an Idahoan Cowboy like myself. I remember Steve’s first Christmas in the family he got me “stink bombs” and though everyone else thought that was a horrible idea, as a 16 year old I thought it was the coolest gift ever!

Isaac & Jake Wilson. I combined these two because they are similar to me. To sum them up I would say, strong young men, who can shoot from deep, have humble confidence, and are men enough to stand up against my Beaver/Blazer die-hardness. Now I struggle to keep up with them, after picking on them for years. Two guys are single handedly bring back the term, studs and will make great missionaries and husbands. Ps- Jake dropped 21 points in a game recently and Isaac is always tearing up the Northwest dropping dimes and tri-fecta’s.

Michael, Jonathan, & David Wilson. A trio that is breathtaking. Three of the nicest guys you will ever meet. Regrettably our time has been limited, but recent events have brought some of us together. David as my newest career adviser, Michael as someone who still thinks I can drain from deep, and Jonathan someone who gives me respect in the blogging world. (Sorry about the pic, Amanda is subbing for David)


Ryan, & Derek (& Richard, one exception to 35 rule) Chapman. Not only was marrying Whit the best thing I have ever done, but it was a great way to again increase my “brother” count that was so minimal most of my life. Ryan is a true baller after my own heart, Derek reminds me of me in many ways as a 17 year old, and Richard, finally someone who I can debate for hours on why the PAC-10 is better than the BIG-12. Truly a bunch that is fun to be around, have big hearts, and can be a force on the bball court/fball field.

Brandon Gary Winter. One of the newer family members and adding to the Cali connection. A great brother to have around, who else do you know that wears an ankle brace while playing ping pong, thats how intense it gets! Frankly a great guy to have on your bball team, he just brings the hustle and defense I bring very rarely. A hard worker, a big smile, and brings that whole extreme sports, X-games, flips and crazy stuff to a family that significantly struggles in that category.

Marci “Bostonroms” formerly known as Moorhead. I am not sure what it is really but Marci has always just made it very comfortable to be around her. We share many things, her love for Boston sports is not one of them, but photography and humor are. Just a cousin that always makes you smile.

Trevor “Triz/Webmaster” Winn. Trevor and I go back longer than most, living only a few blocks apart most of our lives. It is just great to be around Trev, someone who just understands me. At times words are not even needed to communicate. Whether its Ger-glish, football, Bill Walton, Connie Chung (HGTV), google chat, staging techniques, investing, or manhood we just seem to get each other very well.

Steve “Die-hard BYU east coast fan” Hales. The two things that make the Steve the coolest are of course Mary and Nikolai. The whole Russian connection thing has always fascinated me. Of course Steve’s second to none guidance, recommendations, and BCS venting. Truly a family out east that many would like out west.

Lindsey & Josh Stark. Though I do not know Lindsey or Josh that well, I know Lindsey and Les have a strong love and that initially drew me to Lindsey. Number one, she’s athletic, who can’t respect that, number two, they voted for my fake laugh (of which I had no prior practice nor experience), and lastly Josh is a carpenter, a man after my own heart.

Brig & Adam Wilson. Coincidence that we were all born just a few months apart? I think not. A diverse trio that you do not find a lot. From George & Ida's 50th, when I sported the bulls-eye, the 1994 world cup game, Russia 7 vs. Cameroon 1, and of course welcomed by both in the M.T.C. and sent on my way before either left for overseas. Between all three of us I think we speak over ten languages, and I speak one.
I hope you enjoyed, can’t wait to read your comments! Remember the reason for the season!
There are a few requirements in order to be noticed in this post.
1. Under age 35 and over age 16. All my older & younger family is without a doubt cool, but that is for another post.
2. You must be someone I don’t see frequently.
3. You must have in some way or shape have the “Evan idolizes you” vibe.
4. You cannot be Whit, Adge, Les, or Mere. Because let’s be frank they would be my top four.
5. I have to have learned something from you, it most cases many things.
Without further or do my recent “HIGHLIGHT” list. (In no particular order).
Steve “Captain Bjork” Bjorkman. Seriously who does not love Steve? I felt it a must to start off with Steve because he my first real brother. Though years separate us, so much brings us together. Mostly due to the fact that is at heart an Idahoan Cowboy like myself. I remember Steve’s first Christmas in the family he got me “stink bombs” and though everyone else thought that was a horrible idea, as a 16 year old I thought it was the coolest gift ever!

Isaac & Jake Wilson. I combined these two because they are similar to me. To sum them up I would say, strong young men, who can shoot from deep, have humble confidence, and are men enough to stand up against my Beaver/Blazer die-hardness. Now I struggle to keep up with them, after picking on them for years. Two guys are single handedly bring back the term, studs and will make great missionaries and husbands. Ps- Jake dropped 21 points in a game recently and Isaac is always tearing up the Northwest dropping dimes and tri-fecta’s.
Michael, Jonathan, & David Wilson. A trio that is breathtaking. Three of the nicest guys you will ever meet. Regrettably our time has been limited, but recent events have brought some of us together. David as my newest career adviser, Michael as someone who still thinks I can drain from deep, and Jonathan someone who gives me respect in the blogging world. (Sorry about the pic, Amanda is subbing for David)

Ryan, & Derek (& Richard, one exception to 35 rule) Chapman. Not only was marrying Whit the best thing I have ever done, but it was a great way to again increase my “brother” count that was so minimal most of my life. Ryan is a true baller after my own heart, Derek reminds me of me in many ways as a 17 year old, and Richard, finally someone who I can debate for hours on why the PAC-10 is better than the BIG-12. Truly a bunch that is fun to be around, have big hearts, and can be a force on the bball court/fball field.

Brandon Gary Winter. One of the newer family members and adding to the Cali connection. A great brother to have around, who else do you know that wears an ankle brace while playing ping pong, thats how intense it gets! Frankly a great guy to have on your bball team, he just brings the hustle and defense I bring very rarely. A hard worker, a big smile, and brings that whole extreme sports, X-games, flips and crazy stuff to a family that significantly struggles in that category.

Marci “Bostonroms” formerly known as Moorhead. I am not sure what it is really but Marci has always just made it very comfortable to be around her. We share many things, her love for Boston sports is not one of them, but photography and humor are. Just a cousin that always makes you smile.

Trevor “Triz/Webmaster” Winn. Trevor and I go back longer than most, living only a few blocks apart most of our lives. It is just great to be around Trev, someone who just understands me. At times words are not even needed to communicate. Whether its Ger-glish, football, Bill Walton, Connie Chung (HGTV), google chat, staging techniques, investing, or manhood we just seem to get each other very well.

Steve “Die-hard BYU east coast fan” Hales. The two things that make the Steve the coolest are of course Mary and Nikolai. The whole Russian connection thing has always fascinated me. Of course Steve’s second to none guidance, recommendations, and BCS venting. Truly a family out east that many would like out west.

Lindsey & Josh Stark. Though I do not know Lindsey or Josh that well, I know Lindsey and Les have a strong love and that initially drew me to Lindsey. Number one, she’s athletic, who can’t respect that, number two, they voted for my fake laugh (of which I had no prior practice nor experience), and lastly Josh is a carpenter, a man after my own heart.

Brig & Adam Wilson. Coincidence that we were all born just a few months apart? I think not. A diverse trio that you do not find a lot. From George & Ida's 50th, when I sported the bulls-eye, the 1994 world cup game, Russia 7 vs. Cameroon 1, and of course welcomed by both in the M.T.C. and sent on my way before either left for overseas. Between all three of us I think we speak over ten languages, and I speak one.
I hope you enjoyed, can’t wait to read your comments! Remember the reason for the season!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Beavs are Back

Here are the current standings.
Pacific-10 Standings
Arizona State 6-1 9-1
USC 5-2 8-2
Oregon 5-2 8-2
Oregon State 5-3 7-4
UCLA 4-3 5-5
Arizona 4-4 5-6
California 3-5 6-5
Washington 2-6 4-7
Wash. State 2-6 4-7
Stanford 2-6 3-7
You know I am always being told how hard it must be to be a Beaver fan. But as i see it the Beavs have had a great few years. A great Sun Bowl win in El Paso last year over Mizzou finishing in the top 20, two back to back college world series wins, and now for this year.
Many have been telling me all season how the Ducks are going to clean up on the the Beavs, to you I say, "I think not." Although it will be a defensive battle and who can play not horrible in regards to the QB's (Canfield & Leaf). So it comes down to defense and special teams, and did I mention Beavs are #1 in the nation in rush D.
So after we beat Oregon at Autzen on Dec. 1st looks like we will probably be headed back to the Sun bowl again.
How the Pac-10 will finish out:
11/24 Oregon will loose to UCLA, Beavs have a bye. (That will tie UCLA/OSU)
12/1 Beavs will beat Ducks, USC will beat UCLA securing 3rd place for the Beavs.
Its simple. History repeats itself, Belotti makes teams worse as the season goes on, and Riley makes them better.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Since it has been a long time from the date of our last post, and I seem to be having a short attention span tonight- I figured I should use my energy to keep all of you entertained. Thus, below are 10 of my, very random, favorite things I discovered while searching through our apartment.

1. I just love the lamps we have in our bedroom (as seen above). They started out with a gold base, but with a coat of spray paint, a red lamp shade and some beading, boom- we have two wonderful reading lights. Let your light (or lamp) so shine!

2. My handy dandy planner. I live by what is written in this thing! Seriously, everything I do is basically written here. I don't know how people go to college (and do well...) without one! Let's see...for tomorrow I have: German, Group Dynamics: Harvard Everest Stimulator- remember to bring laptop, Ward Activity- put together Humanitarian Aid kits along with a great dinner, and Ev basketball game. One day at a time with this thing!

3. Soap. Now this might seem odd, but I love the soap we have. Usually hand soap leaves your hand with a dry, public restroom smell (at least the cheap kind...) but not the Dial Vanilla Honey Yogurt kind. Any soap with the word Yogurt in its name has to be good.

4. How grateful I am to have a washer and dryer in our apartment! Laundry no longer consists of walking outside in the Rexburg cold, using up all our quarters and arguing over whose turn it is to retrieve the load. Truly a plus!

5. I love my high heels, there's no secret with that one. It is challenging since it does get so cold here and all I really want to wear are wool socks and boots, but I somehow find a way to wear them. I am so glad Ev is tall enough to make that possible- thanks, honey!

6. Around September 8, 2007 we made a big step in our marriage. We got rid our our futon and replaced it was an actual couch. The futon did us well, but it is sure nice to not feel the bars every time you sit down. The pillows are an added plus. Thanks mom for your help in making our house a home :).

7. Almost every morning Ev will at some point hear the words, "Ev, will you get me some OJ?" It's true- I love a glass of good old, pulp free, orange juice to start the day off. Not only is OJ great for breakfast, but it goes with just about anything. I just had a glass with mint chocolate chip ice cream. A glass of OJ a day keep the doctor away? I say 'Yes!'

8. Our dishes are another thing I seem to enjoy in our apartment. The fact that they are square, a pretty color, and have had some great food served on them is just a dream. What a great wedding present they were!

9. Many of you out there may not be aware of what you are about to read. I am just getting it out there... I have an obsession with Scotch tape. Seriously. I love everything about it. Not only does it smell great, but when you rip off a piece of it, roll it into a ball, and play with it with your does not get much better than that! This obsession has been around for quite some time. My teachers used to hide the tape from me. Ev does not let me buy it due to him finding pieces of tape all over the place. Hence, the kind shown in the picture is not my personal preference tape- it is the flimsy/non-sticky kind. Weird, I know. But at least you all know now so you can hid it from me!

10. And of course my all-time favorite thing is Ev. The whole time I was preparing for this post he kept asking me if I would add things like the Beaver flag, or cowboy hat to my list. Maybe he will come up with a list of his own... What a dream come true he is! Sure am a lucky gal to have him permanently in my home.

1. I just love the lamps we have in our bedroom (as seen above). They started out with a gold base, but with a coat of spray paint, a red lamp shade and some beading, boom- we have two wonderful reading lights. Let your light (or lamp) so shine!

2. My handy dandy planner. I live by what is written in this thing! Seriously, everything I do is basically written here. I don't know how people go to college (and do well...) without one! Let's see...for tomorrow I have: German, Group Dynamics: Harvard Everest Stimulator- remember to bring laptop, Ward Activity- put together Humanitarian Aid kits along with a great dinner, and Ev basketball game. One day at a time with this thing!

3. Soap. Now this might seem odd, but I love the soap we have. Usually hand soap leaves your hand with a dry, public restroom smell (at least the cheap kind...) but not the Dial Vanilla Honey Yogurt kind. Any soap with the word Yogurt in its name has to be good.

4. How grateful I am to have a washer and dryer in our apartment! Laundry no longer consists of walking outside in the Rexburg cold, using up all our quarters and arguing over whose turn it is to retrieve the load. Truly a plus!

5. I love my high heels, there's no secret with that one. It is challenging since it does get so cold here and all I really want to wear are wool socks and boots, but I somehow find a way to wear them. I am so glad Ev is tall enough to make that possible- thanks, honey!

6. Around September 8, 2007 we made a big step in our marriage. We got rid our our futon and replaced it was an actual couch. The futon did us well, but it is sure nice to not feel the bars every time you sit down. The pillows are an added plus. Thanks mom for your help in making our house a home :).

7. Almost every morning Ev will at some point hear the words, "Ev, will you get me some OJ?" It's true- I love a glass of good old, pulp free, orange juice to start the day off. Not only is OJ great for breakfast, but it goes with just about anything. I just had a glass with mint chocolate chip ice cream. A glass of OJ a day keep the doctor away? I say 'Yes!'

8. Our dishes are another thing I seem to enjoy in our apartment. The fact that they are square, a pretty color, and have had some great food served on them is just a dream. What a great wedding present they were!

9. Many of you out there may not be aware of what you are about to read. I am just getting it out there... I have an obsession with Scotch tape. Seriously. I love everything about it. Not only does it smell great, but when you rip off a piece of it, roll it into a ball, and play with it with your does not get much better than that! This obsession has been around for quite some time. My teachers used to hide the tape from me. Ev does not let me buy it due to him finding pieces of tape all over the place. Hence, the kind shown in the picture is not my personal preference tape- it is the flimsy/non-sticky kind. Weird, I know. But at least you all know now so you can hid it from me!

10. And of course my all-time favorite thing is Ev. The whole time I was preparing for this post he kept asking me if I would add things like the Beaver flag, or cowboy hat to my list. Maybe he will come up with a list of his own... What a dream come true he is! Sure am a lucky gal to have him permanently in my home.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Top 10 from our WINN-ing Weekend

This past weekend we were fortunate enough to host the legendary bloggers themselves, yes even Trevor and Lesley. While they stayed with us we learned a plethora of things, but we will highlight ten here for your blogging enjoyment.
10. Trevor is a New Testament Artist. Many of you may known how gifted Lesley is with the brush/pencil/pen. But how many of you knew that Trevor can draw the apostle Paul with such precision. It doesn't end there either, he capped it off with an elogant description as well, while Les played the piano vigorously.
9. Girls can out-athlete boys. Whit and Les combined to beat down Trevor and I in bowling. We will leave it at that, touchy subject. Expect intense bowling over Christmas break!
8. Candle left in the bathroom was not by accident. I married a very candle liking wife. But I noticed not only did she leave some candles in the bathroom this weekend, but also conveniently next to them were matches. Coincidence? I think not.
7. Bloggin obsession reaches new high at least for me. After posting the ever famous "fake laughing" contest on T & L's blog, we must have checked the blog every 30 minutes for the rest of the weekend. If you have not yet, due your part, comment and vote.
6. Poor waitressing. While eating a Mexican restaurant our sweet waitress must have come to our table ten times asking if everything was okay, before we even had anything to eat. That does not even count the times she came after the food was finally served. Call us stingie, but in this house, you have to earn your tip.
5. Breakfast cake. If you allow Trevor to make something in your home, you are giving him the green light to eat the entire thing. Breakfast cake is a big love for all in our family. I now can say that for Trevor, as well. sorry Trev, I had too.
4. Trevor's fake laugh cannot, not be laughed at. Whether it was at Rexburg Live, the bowling alley, or priesthood meeting, you cannot, not laugh at Trevor's fake laugh. Especially when others, strangers, begin to laugh at him, for it. Included with that also is the nods of agreement he gives from the congregation to the speaker.
3. Steve and Steve. I don't now how blessed our readers are out there, but to have the opportunity to speak to both Steve's in one weekend is reason enough to make it the best weekend ever. To hear Steve H. go off on the Mountain, BYU football, and CF in general was priceless. Then to talk to Steve B. about skiing over the break, and cruising up in his truck, again how do you put a price tag on that.
2. Family First. No matter what kind of an obligation you have; school, work, church, you put family first. The Winn's were a great example of that to our family. The way they blew off there Sunday evening appointment to stay a couple hours longer with us and play some cursnipits (spelling? its a card game) was a great testimony to me.
1. Finally, victory after 23 years. Yes you all may now how my sister Lesley has always been faster than myself. I will have you all know, I beat her in a straight up sprint, once and for all this weekend, twice actually. Both races had to have been at least 15-20 yards long. The tables have now turned.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Fake Laughing Contest
Please view Trevor and Lesley's blog, comment and vote! Neither one without the other.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Harry & Lloyd? Nope, Just Ev & Whit

Well Ev has been wanting to get a scooter since the first day of classes when he had to search for a parking spot. I was very opposed to this new idea Ev had, but must admit- it is pretty fun. The kids at work sure love seeing the Carliles roll up on their new ride. I am not sure how 'the Tank' will handle the harsh winter months, but she'll be ready to roll in the summer time. Let's just say we just filled her up for the first time, it cost $2.07 and that will get us 80 miles. I have realized we are young, why not have a little fun while we can?
Check out that speed I am getting. Whoa...
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Just doin' my bloggin' thing...

After a short rebuke session by a loved one of ours, I have decided I am due for a post. Yes, I should be doing some sort of homework, finishing a scholarship application or, gasp, go to bed early...but let the record show, I put blogging before all else.
As a recap, Ev and I are loving the good old Rexburg life. Our day consists of classes ranging from Ev's new found love: Entrepreneur Skills, our crazy English 311 class (which we were terrified of when registering, but it is basically a guaranteed A), and possibly my favorite all-time college class yet: New Testament. Seriously, our teacher is amazing! I just wish we would have taken his class before we were called as Gospel Doctrine teachers...
Since it is Potato Harvest (yes, they really do have that...) we didn't have work this past week, but usually we go to work at Kennedy Elementary School. It is a dream of a job while going to school. We get paid to go bowling, play dodge ball, and my new class- girls and curls. Let's just say the girls leave school looking like they are headed to Prom. Following work, we must then get both physically and mentally prepared for some sort of intramural game. Ev is really doing great in his flag football team. I've got some great video footage, but apparently it takes hours to upload (if you would like to view, just come on over!).
Then, it's time to hit the books. This is usually interrupted by me begging to play a game of Uno. It has become an obsession! If a study break is needed, chances are I will be caught with Uno cards in hand. I will admit, last night we were tucked in bed, I got up, retrieved the cards and we began playing. I know it's like a 3rd grade game- but I'm hooked.

Due to the fact that we are in the igloo of Rexburg, we were delighted when last year, Les presented to us the Coffee Mate- French Vanilla to add to our hot chocolate. As a firm believer, this stuff is a must have. I just finished a mug of it myself.

Here are a few snapshots of General Conference weekend... welcome to Idaho! Ev had a fun time building a snowman, then after seeing the neighbors snowman, he ran full speed and took out his snowman. Poor thing...
To sum it all up: life is great right now... we are just enjoying being young, crazy, college students!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Football miracle TD play
Whit is the team mom, the best I have ever seen. She took a lot of video clips of our game. Here is my favorite. I threw what I like to call the Beck to Harlene/The moon miracle ball. Scott got where he needed to be and made a great catch. Special thanks to the team for playing great, and especially my frau, Whit for being my number one fan.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Proper Family Cell Phone Etiquette

As a writer I look up to my wife and sisters, they just have a way with words. The emotions I go through in just the short period of time, are amazing. I do not know how they do it. I do know that my wife frequently tells me I am a "list writer." And frequently grills me on spelling, grammer, and flow.
Putting all of that aside, I just have a few concerns in regards to the new wave of family communication via cell phone. Being the last in my family to obtain my own, I feel I have an insight that others do not.
Six (Sechs auf Deutschland, Danke Du) Simple Rules of Family Cell Phone Etiquette:
1. Whenever a family members calls you should answer. There is nothing more FOF then trying to reach someone, anyone in your family, and it as if they all know you are trying to call so they purposely don't answer. So eventually you call the busiest family member, a bishop, and DA and sure enough he answers every time. Thanks Dad, if for no other reason, you have my thanks.
2. If you are calling and the family member cannot answer, do NOT leave a message, unless it qualifies as IMPORTANT. There is nothing worse then wasting minutes and your time checking a voice mail mid day that says, "Hey, hows it going, just wanted to chat, call me back."
3. Now number three is closely tied with number two. If you see someone has called, you call them back as soon as you get a chance. If you do not, the person who originally called will think you do not understand proper cell phone etiquette. (Which could lead to bigger problems)
4. If S. Hales or S. Bjork ever call, you answer no questions asked.
5. Texting, wow I could go on for a long time on texting, but I will keep this short. In the beginning I was anti-texting. But now I am in love, even though I am still the slowest texter ever. It is email on you 24/7, you cannot find a more convenient way of communication. You do not have to respond unless the text you received prompted a response. If you ever receive a text reading something like this, "Whats the score, I need an update, double time." Stop what you are doing, find the score and text back immediately. It usually means someone has been stuck in a shopping trip of sorts, and needs a score update! Anything dealing with sports, trash talking, or a quick update is top priority.
6. Lastly, Sunday is the official call and get the family update call day.
I hope this was helpful, I have wanted to do this post for while, but have not really thought about what I was going to write, so sorry if it is not as well thought out as some of the blogging legends. I am also sorry if I sounded lazy, since we are blessed with this wonderful way of communication, but we just need a few basic ground rules. One more thing, if you call someone you have not talked to in a while, you the caller are responsible to directing the conversation.
Cowgirl Up Missouri Mother

As you look at these photo's sing to yourself the words to the famous song, "I wish I was a cowboy just like Stu and Ev...sing those campfire songs, oh I wish I was a cowboy..."
We took a beautiful evening and saddled up with our dear friend and father Stuart L. As you can see Stu is starting young Tate as a cowboy at a very young age, very admirable.
Though Whit fears horses, she certianly did not get it from her mother who saddled right up and rode like she has been all her life. It truly was a great time, especially when followed by riding a four wheeler around with the cows. Oh how these days make Whit want to move to the country, have a big ranch with all kinds of animals, and have nothing insight but mountains and manurer.
Just another blessing of having great friends and living in great country.
Taurus passes on, Altima is born

First off a special thanks to George and Ida for initially providing the Taurus. Another thanks to Uncle Mike for being the man who delivered the baby blue bullet right to the drive way of George and Ida.
Due to countless requests we have made an Altima post. We will see how long it takes Steve of D.C. to notice and make a call to Ev.
The altima is "pearl white" and really runs like a dream, especially after driving the Taurus. Still one of my favorite quotes is from Pearl herself (Mere) who said, "Ev it just seems weird to see you driving a nice car, I just picture you in the Mazda and the Taurus."
She has been very good to us in the first two months, but we cringe when it rains, because that just means we must wash her again. We would love to take ya'll on a spin, just come visit.
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